How to handle a Dental Emergency - Riverfront Dental

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Dental trauma is just that – TRAUMATIC, no matter how old you are! Dental emergencies can happen quickly and knowing what to do in the event of an injury is important.  Here are some tips on dealing with common emergencies.


Use ice on the outside of your mouth if swelling is occurring, take ibuprofen or another painkiller and schedule an appointment ASAP. If swelling is large and causing difficulty breathing or affecting vision, you may need to go to the ER.

Cracked tooth

Clean the area using saltwater and make an appointment for an assessment to avoid any further damage or pain. Depending on the severity of the crack the tooth may be able to be saved if you visit your dentist in time.

Loss of a filling

Usually, the loss of a filling is due to cavities under the previous filling causing it to loosen. Clean the area very well by brushing and flossing, avoid sugary and hard foods and make an appointment quickly to avoid infection.  You will likely need a new filling.  If you leave it for too long a root canal treatment may be required.

Loss of a tooth

If you lose a tooth or a piece falls out or breaks off, rinse it gently with clean water and do not scrub it.  Here is what you do to help with the preservation of your tooth: Put the tooth in salt water or in fresh milk or replace the tooth in your mouth at its original location if you can.  This one might sound weird, but you can even keep it in your cheek!  Doing this is even better than salt water or milk.  A trauma like this requires immediate attention, see your emergency dentist right away.

Dental Trauma in Children

When a baby (primary) tooth is injured in a fall or a bump, you need to have it looked at. The baby tooth has an adult tooth hiding underneath ready to grow in, and problems with baby teeth may result in problems with adult teeth! It’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible.  They will know if the tooth should be replaced or not and can monitor it over time.

If you’ve experienced a dental trauma, it’s important to call us at (519) 621-2111 right away. At Riverfront Dental we are equipped to handle all forms of dental emergencies and pride ourselves on seeing patients in pain the same day. Acting quickly can make a difference in the recovery of both you and your smile!  Find us on Instagram or Facebook for more dental tips and resources.